Ernest Borel was founded in 1856, Neuchâtel, Switzerland– the heart of Swiss watchmaking industry– by Jules Borel. He was driven by the passion for crafting quality wristwatches and a vision to establish an extraordinary watchmaking legacy. With a rich history of watchmaking expertise and heritage, and of global recognition and accolades, the brand has expanded into international markets, captivating individuals worldwide with its enchanting allure and timeless distinction.
Our Story
The Iconic Dancing Couple
Our Journey

在“ 钟表王国” 瑞士西部城市纳沙泰尔(Neuchâtel),依波路创始人Jules Borel先生凭着制造卓越腕表的信念,开始了他漫长的钟表制造生涯。与默默耕耘的祖辈不同,Jules Borel矢志要将传统家族制表企业发展成国际化集团。